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07/22/2024 - 07/27/2024
Junior Firefighter Academy Summer Camp


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Welcome to the Official Website for the Glenham Fire Department

No Caption Join us at National Night Out

Member Mark Matthews, Sr., July 25

Please join us and all of the other Fishkill First Responders, as well as other groups, at this years National Night Out Community Event on Tueday, August 6th between 5PM and 8PM at Geering Park. Come meet your local First Responders, see their equipment, grab a bite at the food trucks, enjoy the live music ... all while the kids get some time in the bouncy house and play some games.... (Full Story & Photos)

Hurst Tools Training

Member Shawn Haight, July 24

On Tuesday Evening, 7/23/24, despite the heat and humidity, a group of dedicated Glenham firefighters led by Chief John Broas, trained on proper use of our hurst tools also known as the jaws of life. Members used the spreaders and cutters to remove the doors and roof from the vehicle which is commonly done on the scene of auto accidents to allow firefighters and EMS personnel the best access to treat ... (Full Story & Photos)

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No Caption This Saturday, July 27, our Junior Firefighter Summer Academy cadets will be marching in a parade from the Texico parking lot to the firehouse at 1 PM

Slater Chemical Fire Company, July 24

These kids are working their tails off, and many of them are going to be firefighters one day. We'd love to show them that their community has their back! If you are around, please come out and cheer our future firefighters on.

If you have an questions, please send us a message or email jrfireacademy@glenhamfire.com

Thank you!... (Full Story & Photos)

Rest in Peace, Chief Corey Comperatore

Member Mark Matthews, Sr., July 16

The Glenham Fire District Board of Fire Commissioners, along with the Officers and Members of the Glenham Fire Department, take a moment to pause, pray for and honor this past Chief of the Buffalo Township Volunteer Fire Company in Buffalo Township, PA.

JULY 14, 2024 - In Corey Comperatore's final moment, he did what came naturally to the father of two daughters: He protected his family with his ... (Full Story & Photos)

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No Caption Elks Lodge 1493 100th Anniversary Parade

Member Shawn Haight, July 16

On Saturday, July 13th, along with many other local first responders and organizations, members from the Glenham Fire Department proudly participated in a parade down Main Street in Beacon, celebrating Beacon Elks Lodges’ 100th anniversary. 43-11, 43-1 and our 1921 Ford Model T were present for the parade. We would like to congratulate Elks Lodge 1493 on 100 years of service to the community and whole ... (Full Story & Photos)

Remember…Dial 911 in an emergency!

Member Shawn Haight, July 09

Last night, shortly after midnight, one our firefighters took a phone call at the firehouse from a resident reporting their fire alarm going off and a burning odor in their home. Our firefighter instructed them to hang up and DIAL 911 immediately in order to initiate a full department response. While it is not uncommon for firefighters to be at the firehouse at various times of the day or night we ... (Full Story & Photos)

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Member Mark Matthews, Sr., July 05

Veteran's make the perfect firefighters. Your duty and honor can be put to great use right here in your community now that you're home. We look forward to the pleasure of serving along side of you. Send an email to info@glenhamfire.com or submit the basic interest information on the Join Now tab.... (Full Story & Photos)

In Congress, July 4, 1776

Member Mark Matthews, Sr., July 04

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires ... (Full Story & Photos)

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Firehouse Solutions
Glenham Fire Department
76 Old Glenham Rd
Glenham, New York 12508
Emergency Dial 911
Non-Emergency: 845-831-2322
E-mail: info@glenhamfire.com
Copyright © 2024 Firehouse Solutions (A Service of Technology Reflections, Inc.)