Beacon High School Career Fair
By Member Mark Matthews, Sr.
May 27, 2022

On Friday, May 27th, 2nd Lt. Haight and firefighters Olson, Hunter, Broas, Salg and Walden of the Slater Chemical Fire Company attended the Beacon High School Career Fair to discuss the personal satisfaction and benefits of joining the fire service as a volunteer. They covered the fact that the Glenham Fire Department is 100% volunteer and recruitment of new members is ongoing and vital to the safety and protection of the members of our community and neighboring communities. The activity at the table was strong. The students got to ask questions, handle some of the common tools and try on our firefighting gear. This was a great event, all had a good time and in the end over 15 students walked away with applications for membership.

Volunteer membership in our company is like belonging to a family. This event might have been aimed at students, but our doors are open for all of our community to join. If you are interested in being part of our family, please stop by, call (831-5480) or send us an email ( and we'd be happy to talk to you further about it.